Jeopardy June 10 2022 Answers
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Jeopardy June 10 2022 Answers
- (Sarah presents the clue.) I'm at the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum one of dozens of institutions monuments & memorials along this promenade & green area that extends from the U.S. Capitol to the Potomac
- 2013: disgraced stockbroker Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio)
- I found this insect on a leaf
- This type of sweater is named for the rowing team
- On this date each year moments of silence are observed in New York City at 8:46 & 9:03 A.M.
- Originally titled First Impressions this tale of Elizabeth Bennet would be Jane's second novel published
- (Sarah presents the clue.) I'm here on board the fire boat John S. Damrell helping protect this city's harbor south of Winthrop & north of Quincy
- 1979: Captain Willard (Martin Sheen) regrets he's still only in Saigon
- I saw this critter sneak into the yard
- Seen here this item is said to date back to the 1920s or '30s when kimono fabric began to be used for men's shirts
- For years 7-Eleven offered a little joy with free Slurpees on this date
- In Austen novels the girls like a guy who has four thousand or five thousand a year–4 or 5000 of these
- (Jimmy presents the clue.) I'm training for the worst at the Texas A&M Extension Service in this city named for its railroad connections
- 1990: Henry hill says As far back as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster
- Gosh I didn't realize that half of these farm animals are raised in China
- A 2021 Rolling Stone headline: The best these shirts for channeling every style from grunge to cool lumber jack
- Punxsutawney Phil is known to make an appearance on this day
- Austen adaptations include the 1995 movie version of this novel starring Emma Thompson as Elinor Dashwood
- (Sarah presents the clue.) I'm in this area of San Francisco that served as an Army base for Spain Mexico & the United States before switching to civilian use in 1994
- 1986: Richard Dreyfuss remembers back to when he was Wil Wheaton
- In summer this weasel is the color of toast
- The name of this university is found from nearly head to toe in a fashionable type of shirt as well as a type of shoe
- On this date in 1921 an Unknown Soldier was buried at Arlington National Cemetery
- Jane lived most of her life in this southern English county that lent its name to a New U.S. state
- (Jimmy presents the clue.) I'm at the Wright Brothers National Memorial near Kitty Hawk perhaps the most historically important spot in the 200-mile chain of islands off North Carolina
- 1950: a screenwriter doesn't let being dead stop him from narrating a Hollywood tale
- I hear this ostrich relative stands about 4 feet tall
- Maude Adams' look in a 1905 Broadway production of a J.M. Barrie work popularized this flat collar on shirts
- Date in 1865 on which Union General Gordon Granger told the African Americans of Galveston they were free
- 2 of Jane's 6 novels were published posthumously–Persuasion & this one with a building for a title
- At age 13 he married Kasturba whom he would later call his teacher in nonviolence
- George Monroe & William Robinson: 2 African-American riders in this horsepowered mail service in the 1860s
- Are you ready? Hey! Are you ready for this? Are you hanging on the edge of your seat? Are questions asked in this Queen tune
- By definition orogeny concerns itself with the formation of these by upward movements of the Earth's crust
- The U.S. Secret Service Uniformed Division branch named for this building includes counter snipers on its roof
- A young wolf
- Seen here Stokely Carmichael replaced John Lewis as head of SNCC short their Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
- Zhou Enlai: both prime minister & foreign minister of the country with this new name from its beginning in 1949
- He's the Calvin Broadus (1972-1994) referred to on the cover of Murder Was the Case both a song & short film
- Increased seismic activity especially in Oklahoma has been linked to wastewater injection & this controversial practice
- Security Service & Secret Intelligence Service are the British agencies popularly known by these alphanumeric names
- The bonobo is one
- St. Elizabeth of this country rode between 2 armies & quelled hostilities between her son Afonso & her husband King Dinis
- Betty Friedan: the unhappy classmates at her Smith College 15th reunion inspired this 1963 nonfiction work
- Both Eric Clapton & Bob Marley sang this song but swore it was in self-defense
- An iron ore this mineral is named for the property it's exhibiting here
- This country's intelligence agency goes by the short name Mossad which just means the institute
- A sharp-pointed dueling sword
- One story of this Lakota leader recalls him entering a battlefield taking a seat & smoking a pipe
- King George I: from Hanover Germany but had a claim on the British crown through this man his great-granddad born a Scot
- Fronted by Danny Elfman this rhyming band sang It's a dead man's party who could ask for more?
- In contrast to the lithosphere or solid outer part of the Earth this consists of all the Earth's water
- This 3-letter agency was created in 1954 as the sword & shield of the Communist Party
- A J.Lo song popularized this Spanish word for daddy or sweetheart
- This eldest son of Victoria was called The Peacemaker; the memorial here notes his Entente Cordiale with France
- Jefferson Davis: as U.S. Secretary of War in 1853 he approved the import of these from Egypt to test in the Southwest
- Backed up by the Bad Seeds PJ Harvey & this man sang of the tragic fate of Henry Lee
- This geologic era that began around 65 million years ago is the one we're living in today
- This country's secret intelligence service ASIS was founded in 1952; its existence was only acknowledged in Parliament in 1975
- It's the life stage of an insect that fits the category