On May 30 1854 pres. pierce signed into law what was officially called an act to organize the territories of these 2 places

Today's Final Jeopardy August 29 2022 AnswersIf you have landed here then chances are you are looking for the: On May 30 1854 pres. pierce signed into law what was officially called an act to organize the territories of these 2 places answer and solution. This clue was last seen on Final Jeopardy August 29 2022 TV-Show. The answer we have for today’s jeopardy question has a total of 31 Letters. For older Final Jeopardy Questions and Answers I strongly recommend you to visit the archive page by clicking here.

On May 30 1854 pres. pierce signed into law what was officially called an act to organize the territories of these 2 places

CORRECT ANSWER: The Kansas–Nebraska Act of 1854

Carl Elias

Carl Elias is a game aficionado who has turned his passion into a full-time job. He loves playing word games and has launched Answers.gg to provide game answers and solutions for all the visitors. "Mortus Invictus"

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